Monday, September 3, 2007

Hardee's Is At It Again!

Last night I was watching the local news with my daughter, and all of a sudden a commercial came on that could be described only as disgusting at best, soft-porn at worst. I didn't want to watch it, nor did my daughter, so I changed channels, then changed back again to see whose commercial it was. I had a pretty good idea, and I was right. Hardee's. They were advertising their sandwich with the "flat buns", so that gives you some idea where they went with that! Let's just say there was a very attractive female teacher and some high-school boys involved.

They are becoming infamous for their commercials that push the sexual envelope, including one previously with bad girl Paris Hilton. They have aired five or six commercials in the past, that I'm aware of, that have over-the-top sexual content.

I won't post the videos here, but if you go to YouTube and search for either Hardee's or Carl's Jr. (their brand name out west), you will find them.

I encourage parents and everyone else who cares about keeping our broadcast channels free from this kind of filth to boycott Hardee's, and call your local store manager, as well as the corporate headquarters, to let them know what you think about this kind of commercial.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone have information on joining a national boycott of Carl's Jr./Hardees over this ad? They got a lot of bad publicity over it and THEY JUST KEEP RUNNING IT. It's like a big middle finger to parents and teachers everywhere. The parents and teachers at our son's middle school are organizing a boycott amongst ourselves (the kids too!) But we are interested in also joining a larger national one. Thank you.

The Activist said...

Jeremy's mom:

Thanks for your willingness to be involved! You might want to check out Right at the top of the page is a link that takes you to a site that tells you how to contact Carl's Jr./Hardees. I would encourage you to forward that website on to like-minded friends and relatives. This is the closest thing to a national boycott that I'm aware of.

You'll note at the website they say, "Hardees and Carl's Jr. have a solid history of completely ignoring consumer complaints", but don't give up. If enough of us take a stand they will either have to respond, or go out of business! It all depends on how outraged people are, and if they are willing to make the small sacrifice necessary to send a message to this corporation that we don't need this kind of lewd advertising on the airwaves.